



Watch Dogs Gets Official Release Date

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Watch Dogs Gets Official Release Date

After several delays, false release dates, and fake trademark scandals, Watch_Dogs finally has an official, true to life, release date. According to Ubisoft and a new Watch_Dogs trailer , the game will launch on May 27 th . It will launch simultaneously on all systems except for the Wii U. This includes the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC. The Wii U release will come later but a specific date has not yet been mentioned.

Watch_Dogs was originally planned to release last November as a launch title for both next-generation consoles, but the team just couldn’t get the end product together in time. Ubisoft expects this new open world cyber punk hacking game to sell around six million copies, on par with Assassin’s Creed . What do you think? Is Watch_Dogs still going to be a hit, or have the delays made us largely forget about it?

Source: Ubisoft

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