



Watch_Dogs Wii U Release Confirmed for this Fall

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Watch_Dogs Wii U Release Confirmed for this Fall

A Wii U release for the next-gen open world title Watch_Dogs was already announced to be arriving later on the console compared to its release on other platforms. However Ubisoft has now confirmed that  the title will be releasing on the Wii U later on this year in the Fall, according to the game’s page on Ubisoft’s North America Uplay store, as well as a Ubisoft representative.

It has also been confirmed that the Season Pass for Watch_Dogs , priced at $19.99, will introduce a new playable character and a new campaign. The game’s minimum and recommended PC requirements have also been revealed.

According to Watch_Dogs’ creative director Jonathan Morin, Watch_Dogs will have a 35- to 40-hour long story mode if players do a little roaming on the side, but completionists can look forward to around 100 hours of content. There is also no planned demo for the title.

Watch_Dogs will be dropping on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 on May 27, a release date that was finally announced after several delays.

[ Nintendo Enthusiast ]

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