



What Do Secondhand Game Sales Cost Developers?

What Do Secondhand Game Sales Cost Developers?


There’s always been a big debate about whether secondhand game sales are beneficial for the gaming industry at large. Well, Guillaume de Fondaumière, co-founder of Quantic Dream, has weighed in; he seems to think that secondhand sales have robbed him of between $6.8 and $13.6 million in royalties. Quantic Dream produced Heavy Rain, which was critically acclaimed but did not perform well on the sales charts.

“We basically sold to date approximately two million units; we know from the trophy system that probably more than three million people bought this game and played it,” Fondaumiere said. “On my small level it’s a million people playing my game without giving me one cent. And my calculation is, as Quantic Dream, I lost between 5 and 10 million [Euros] worth of royalties because of secondhand gaming.”

If this is true, secondhand gaming might very well have been part of the reason for Heavy Rain’s poor performance. But in an economy like this, it seems ridiculous to expect consumers to shell out $60 for a game that has virtually no replay value. Fondaumière agrees:

“Now are games too expensive?” he asks. “I’ve always said that games are probably too expensive so there’s probably a right level here to find, and we need to discuss this altogether and try to find a way to I would say reconcile consumer expectations, retail expectations but also the expectations of the publisher and the developers to make this business a worthwhile business.”

I’m not sure that I’m completely willing to agree with Fondaumière just yet, but this might be because I feel guilty for purchasing my copy of Heavy Rain from the bargain bin at Walmart.

By Josh Engen

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