



Widowmaker Looks Sexy in Her Overwatch Trailer

Widowmaker Looks Sexy in Her Overwatch Trailer

Overwatch has some incredibly attractive characters, but there’s one who trumps the rest. It’s Widowmaker, a woman who, true to her name, is one of the deadliest snipers in the game. She’s someone you use to slink around on the sidelines, taking foes down with headshots, then using her grappling hook to swing to another safe space.

To help introduce her, Blizzard has put together an incredibly detailed Overwatch animated short for Widowmaker called, appropriately enough, Alive.

This is the second Overwatch animated short focused on a single character. The first was Recall , starring Winston, the genius gorilla. It’s just as good, so make sure you watch it too.

Overwatch will be out May 24, and it’s looking incredibly awesome. If you want a multiplayer game with 21 characters to choose from, this could be a fantastic option for your PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC.

Source: PlayStation Blog

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