



Witcher 3 Q&A Video Explains What You Need to Know

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Witcher 3 Q&A Video Explains What You Need to Know

As published via YouTube on Friday, August 22, CD Projekt RED has published a video answering various questions about the upcoming addition to the Witcher series, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt .

Out of all the question the studio received, in the end CD Projekt RED opted to answer 20 questions regarding The Witcher 3 and the studio itself, and in answering those questions new information about the game and what it has to offer was revealed, as well as some insight into the lives of those at CD Projekt RED as well.

These are just some of the many questions you’ve recently asked us. We picked 20–the list was long and we couldn’t answer everything, but rest assured, the following months will bring you a lot of new information about the game, ” the video’s description reads.

You can watch the studio’s Q&A via the embedded video below. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is slated to release in February, 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. CD Projekt has also confirmed that neither platform the game launches on will receive exclusive additional content.

Furthermore, CD Projekt has also confirmed that it’ll target 1080p on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One , and that it will not charge for small pieces of DLC .

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