



Award-Winning Filmmaker Working On Kinect Title

Award-Winning Filmmaker Working On Kinect Title


Gore Verbinski, director of films such as The Ring , Rango , and Pirates of the Caribbean , is looking to get into the video game business. His transmedia company, Blind Wink Productions, has cut a deal with Microsoft to create content for the Xbox 360. Their first project? A downloadable Xbox LIVE game designed for the Kinect and scheduled for release in 2012. You know how we in the video game world are always looking for artistic legitimacy? Well, here it is.

Right now, we don’t know much about the game other than its release date and platform, but we do know that Verbinski’s company will not be developing exclusively for the Kinect. In the future, Blind Wink projects will be made for a variety of platforms, but they will always be distributed by Microsoft.

Here is what Verbinski told The Hollywood Reporter about the partnership: “Audiences consume content very differently today. As an idea house, we at Blind Wink are looking forward to our partnership with Microsoft. Their various platforms give us access to new methods of distribution, allowing us to extend into emerging markets and connect more directly with the audience.”

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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