



Blizzard’s New MMO Is A Casual Game

Blizzard’s New MMO Is A Casual Game


For a while now, we’ve been hearing rumors about Blizzard’s brand new MMO that “won’t compete with World of Warcraft,” and we were all wondering what that meant. Was it going to be a sci-fi project? Was it going to have a different game system? Was it some totally different take on the MMO genre that we just haven’t seen yet?

According to one analyst, Stern Agee’s Arvind Bhatia, Blizzard’s new secret project, labeled “Titan,” is different because it will be a professionally-made casual MMO, of all things. In a recent report, Bhatia said Blizzard’s next projects will be “expansion packs for Starcraft and World of Warcraft, a new Diablo game, [and] a new casual MMO.” Just to be absolutely certain that we weren’t hearing him wrong, Bhatia clarified his statement, saying that the game he was referring to was indeed the rumored new MMO we have all been hearing about.

So now we just need to figure out what the heck a Casual MMO is.

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