



DCUO Has The Last Laugh

DCUO Has The Last Laugh


Late last year, DC Universe Online—the Sony Online Entertainment-produced superhero MMO—went free-to-play. This was right on the heels of a major expansion, which brought the Lantern and Sinestro Corps into the game and allowed players to earn their power-ring-based abilities. Now, months later, SOE’s at it again with another expansion planned for the action-packed MMO.

The game’s fourth DLC pack, The Last Laugh, is a PvP-focused addition, introducing a new weapon—the shield—and both Kilowog and Amon Sur for Legends PvP. There are safe house battles, comprised of Graviton Technology Recovery, The Rescue, and Bomb Disposal, all three of which are four-on-four PvP battles with distinct goals. Headquarters battles also make their debut, massive eight-on-eight fights set in either the Hall of Doom or the Watchtower.

For Legendary members, this expansion is free, but free and premium members will be able to purchase it separately. It will be launch on both the PlayStation 3 and PC this June.

By Shelby Reiches

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