



Diablo III Patch 1.0.7 Notes And Reactions

Diablo III Patch 1.0.7 Notes And Reactions

Remember Diablo III? That highly anticipated dungeon crawler/action RPG from Blizzard that finally was released last year? Or were you too busy playing Torchlight II?

While the game hasn’t been a runaway success, like many expected, things may be starting to take a turn for the better with Patch 1.0.7.

Before bombarding you all with the full list of the very extensive changes, let’s dissect some of them, shall we?

First and foremost comes dueling. Yes, the PVP has been 100% scrapped and, to make up for it, dueling is finally coming into the game and it’s being done in an interesting way. Players will talk to a character in New Tristam and be teleported to a separate area, one designed especially for player combat. Up to four people can enter a duel in various free-for-all modes (1v1, 1v1v1, or 1v1v1v1).

We’ll also be getting new crafting recipes, monster power is being supported in public games, the incremental timer is being removed on consecutive deaths, the base pickup radius for items has changed, and several classes are getting changes as well. All of these are efforts to increase the quality of play time in the game. The first change looks good on paper, but I’ll have to withhold judgment until I see it executed. Sure, new crafting patterns are nice, but if the gear sucks, then who cares? The other three notes, however, all earn a thumbs up from me. Blizzard seems focused on improving the quality of life in the

However, the itemization in Diablo III still needs to be addressed. No, RNG isn’t perfect. But in a way, that’s the beauty of the game, and in a way, the genre. We have absolutely no idea what’s going to drop from that big bad monster. If we tweak the itemization too much, then all those amazing pieces because a bit less special; it’s a difficult balance for sure, but with the rest of the changes on the way, it’s hard to deny the fact that after a rocky start, things are starting to look better.

Oh, and Blizzard knows about the issues regarding monster density. They’re not changing in this patch, but they will be addressed in the future.

Check out the full list of changes on the Blizzard Blog

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