



FemShep Gets Some Reversible Box Art Love

FemShep Gets Some Reversible Box Art Love


Mass Effect is known for letting you choose the gender of your main character. However, players who prefer to take a female Shepard into battle have always been stuck with the male Shepard box art.

Well, not anymore. BioWare marketing director David Silverman posted an unboxing video that showed off an as-of-yet-unannounced feature of the game: reversible box art. If you slide out the insert from inside the game jacket, you’ll find the other side has a whole other cover featuring FemShep. The cover is totally complete as well, full with back jacket, game summary, and Xbox logo at the top. Now female Shepard players can proudly display their character choice on their game case. Which box art will you use?

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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