



Gamescom 2011: DOTA 2 Delayed

Gamescom 2011: DOTA 2 Delayed


One of the most disappointing stories coming out of Gamescom this year is the story of DOTA 2. Beyond all the hype, all the glory, and all the one million dollar tournaments, Valve had some bad news to give to all of us. DOTA 2 is unfortunately going to be delayed until 2012. Granted, it’s likely that it will see a very early 2012 release, but the fact that it won’t see a release for the holiday season is unfortunate.

It looks like even DOTA is subject to “Valve time.”

On the upside, a beta version of the game will be coming rather soon. The invitational beta will pull directly from people’s steam accounts, with an open beta following shortly thereafter. So even though the game is being delayed, development is continuing at a steady pace. Not to worry, we will see DOTA 2 before you know it.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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