



Valve And Blizzard Agree To Share DOTA

Valve And Blizzard Agree To Share DOTA


Many of you may remember that DOTA, the popular single character RTS army commanding strategy game, started as a Warcraft III Mod. The game went on to spawn full releases like League of Legends and Valve’s new Dota 2. Of course, Valve and Blizzard had a bit of a problem when Valve began making a new paid game that spawned from a free Blizzard mod, but, as of Friday, they have reached an agreement.

Valve will have control over DOTA in a commercial sense. This includes Dota 2 and any further paid DOTA products. However, Blizzard will own DOTA for all non-commercial uses. This includes player-made maps for Warcraft III and StarCraft II.

As a result of this agreement, Blizzard is going to be changing the name of their upcoming Blizzard DOTA to Blizzard All-Stars, even though it will continue to use the DOTA gameplay formula.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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