



Neo Geo Returns with Neo Geo X Gold

Neo Geo Returns with Neo Geo X Gold


Tommo Inc and SNK PlayMore have announced the NeoGeo X Gold today in a press release. The brand new entertainment bundle is essentially a portable classic arcade station. NeoGeo X Gold will come with the NeoGeo X Handheld, which comes pre-loaded with twenty different classic Neo Geo games. It will also come with the NeoGeo X station, a base that can hold the handheld and accept controller inputs, and a classic NeoGeo X joystick. If you ever wanted actual arcade inputs while playing an old release of Art of Fighting on the bus, this bundle is for you. Unfortunately, lugging that joystick and base around makes the bundle a little less portable.

Perhaps the strangest news is that this bundle will cost a whopping two hundred dollars. That’s more expensive than a 3DS at this point. Not only that, but the only games the NeoGeo X can play are classic Neo Geo arcade games, essentially things that you could download for a few bucks on a virtual console service. It’s pretty cool that the NeoGeo X base lets you transfer the games to a TV screen for that old school arcade feel, but that alone doesn’t seem worth the $200 price tag.

By Zak Islam

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