Subscription services have slowly become the way of things. You can subscribe and watch television shows and films at your leisure with services like Netflix and Hulu. Then there’s plenty of video game subscription services you can consume, like GameFly or PlayStation Now. We’re here now to talk about the latter PlayStation Now service owned by Sony.
The online library of games previously only had PlayStation 3 titles available to subscribers. But now, Sony has brought their number of streamable games up to more than 500. They did this by including some PlayStation 4 games. Yup, now you can play more recent games through your service. PlayStation Now is generally $19.99 a month, but for a limited time new users can get their first month for $9.99. There’s also a one-year subscription option available for $99.99.
But what are the new games?! The new PS4 titles available on PlayStation Now are as follows: Killzone Shadow Fall , God of War 3 Remastered , Saints Row 4: Re-Elected , WWE 2K16 , Tropico 5 , F1 2015 , Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition , Evolve , MX vs ATV Supercross Encore , Resogun , Helldivers , Broken Age , Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition , Grim Fandango Remastered , Guilty Gear Xrd Sign , Castlestorm Definitive Edition , Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky , Arcania Complete Tale , Nidhogg , and Super Mega Baseball . Sure, a lot of those are filler, but there’s also some shiny diamonds in that collection of PlayStation 4 games. Plus this is a step into a bright future where PlayStation 4 titles are the norm on PlayStation Now. So let’s all step into the future together.
Source: Polygon