



Pokemon Sun & Moon Demo on the Way

Pokemon Sun & Moon Demo on the Way

I’m pretty excited about Pokemon Sun & Moon , y’all. The Pokemon Company really seems to be trying to do something a little different with this entry, shaking up the traditional formula while still providing tons of what we love best about the series. And although I’m a bit ticked at the amount of information the company is releasing ahead of time, I can’t help but get hyped when I hear news of an upcoming demo, especially when it includes news of a super-badass ninja frog. That’s right – limited edition Greninja!

You’ll be able to earn your “Ash-Greninja” on October 18, when the demo drops. It has a form that resembles a mega-evolution, but it appears to occur thanks to a special ability the Pokemon has rather than via a mega-stone.

The video also shows us the frankly adorable middle evolutions of the game’s starter Pokemon and provides a few more details about game features. For instance, you can now put the Pokemon in your storage boxes to work for you, which is pretty cool. It also sports some great music that I hope is actually in the game! Check it out:

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