



Sony Trademarks Another New Title: “Bloodborne”

Sony Trademarks Another New Title: “Bloodborne”

Sony Computer Entertainment America filed a trademark for a title named “ Bloodhorne ” on Thursday, April 24, which has been described as “computer game software; downloadable computer game software via a global computer network and wireless devices.”

Curiously, upon clicking the link to be directed to the trademark’s page on The United States Patent and Trademark Office official website, the following was encountered: “ This search session has expired. Please start a search session again by clicking on the TRADEMARK icon, if you wish to continue. ” Searching the trademark “ Bloodhorne ” under Basic Word Mark Search also turns up nothing.

As detailed in a post on NeoGAF , Sony also filed two previous trademarks through the same service on Monday and Tuesday, April 14 and 15: “ Entwined ” and “ Kill Strain ” respectively. Both titles have been listed as a “downloadable computer game.”

We’ll bring you more on these three titles should more information reach our ears.

[ VG24/7 ]

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