



Star Wars: Battlefront To Launch In 2015

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Star Wars: Battlefront To Launch In 2015

Star Wars: Battlefront, the new Star Wars title coming from EA and DICE, will be launching sometime in 2015. Why 2015? Simple, that’s when the new Star Wars movie, Episode VII, will be released. Electronic Arts CFO Blake Jorgensen confirmed all of this news at EA’s annual stockholder meeting.

Star Wars: Battlefront will be the first game in EA’s five year deal with Disney to produce new Star wars games. Unfortunately, this also means that we will be seeing a dry period until Battlefront comes out. Of course, it also means that Battlefront will be released along with a wave of Star Wars hype, which means cosplayers and comic-cons, but hopefully not Jar Jar Binks.

Few details about the game have been revealed, but according to EA and DICE, the game will be modeled around the Battlefield series of first person shooters.

Source: GamesRadar

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