As reported by Cinema Blend on Sunday, August 3, French retailer MicroMania has listed the white variant of Microsoft’s Xbox One (which is currently only available to Microsoft employees) being bundled with Insomniac Games’ Sunset Overdrive .
According to the listing, the bundle will cost €399,99, and the listing itself seems to be exclusive to MicroMania, according to Cinema Blend.
This bundle harkens back to when the Xbox One’s March update details were released back in late January; it was rumored that the white Xbox One would be available to consumers around the same time as when Sunset Overdrive launches .
Sunset Overdrive is slated to release on Tuesday, October 28 in North America and on Friday, October 31 in Europe for Xbox One. If the rumors turn out to be true, this would mean that the white Xbox One should also launch in October.
Back in mid July, we established that a standalone version of Sony’s white PlayStation 4 will be available only in Europe ; the president of Sony Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, confirmed this during an interview. However, he didn’t mention if the standalone white variant of the console would be available in any other regions during said interview.
A white PlayStation 4- Destiny bundle has also been confirmed for North America , which was revealed during this year’s E3 back in early-June.
We’ll bring you more Xbox One related news should further information reach our ears.
[ Cinema Blend ]
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