



The King of Chicago Cheats & Cheat Codes for Amiga and More

Cover Art for The King of Chicago.

The King of Chicago Cheats & Cheat Codes for Amiga and More

The King of Chicago is a unique action-adventure game from 1987. It was developed and published by Cinemaware. The game is available for the Amiga, Atari ST, Apple IIGS, DOS, Macintosh, and X68000.

The game received positive reviews and has been praised for bridging the gap between movies and video games. Critics love it for its innovative style, self-parodying humor, and for being consistently entertaining. The Macintosh version of the game was animated with claymation, a massive achievement, and the other versions were hand-drawn.

Screenshot of The King of Chicago

©Screenshot of The King of Chicago

The King of Chicago Premise

This mafia game is set in the 1930s and is based on Hollywood mobster movie cliches. Players start in a small mob in Chicago and work their way up to be the mob king of the city. The goal is to increase your gang size to take over all mafia activity. Players can do this by participating in mobster activities like gambling, bribing government officials, drive-by shootings, and more.

And if that did not sound like enough for you, all of this must be done by a certain due date. And players must keep their girlfriends happy while also eliminating their opponents. Depending on the player’s choices, there are multiple endings, including several “bad” ones.

The King of Chicago Series

The King of Chicago is so unique it is a standalone experience. But if you are interested in more of Cinemaware’s adventure games, check out their other titles below.

  • Defender of the Crown (1986)
  • S.D.I. (1986)
  • The King of Chicago (1987)
  • Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon (1987)
  • The Three Stooges (1987)
  • Rocket Ranger (1988)
  • Lords of the Rising Sun (1988)
  • The Kristal (1989)
  • Antheads: It Came from the Desert 2 (1990)
  • Wings (1990)

The King of Chicago Cheat Codes

Unfortunately this game does not have any cheat codes. Cheat codes would remove the challenges of this game and there are no need for level ups, magical weapons, or to skip a level.

Screenshot of The King of Chicago. Black background with white text that says "Pinky gets the drop on the Old Man".

©Screenshot of The King of Chicago

The King of Chicago Cheat Code FAQ

Does The King of Chicago have any cheat codes?

Unfortunately, the game does not have any cheat codes or exploits.

How long will it take to beat the game?

According to HowToBeat.com, the main story of The King of Chicago can be beaten in as little as 25 minutes. But if you are looking to complete everything, it can be done in around 2 hours.

Does The King of Chicago have any achievements?

No, you are not going to have much luck finding games with official achievements from the ’80s. While highscores and achievements have been around for decades, they were not as widely implemented as they are now.

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