



Xbox LIVE Avatars Say Farewell To Arms

Xbox LIVE Avatars Say Farewell To Arms


Ten years ago, the 20th Anniversary edition of Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece E.T. was released, which replaced the guns in the film with walkie-talkies. It was supposedly more politically correct that way or something.

Apparently, gun removal is something Microsoft feels it can get behind. There’s a new policy that determines that, beginning January 1, “gun-like items” will no longer be allowed to be held by Xbox LIVE avatars.

An official post on the Epic Games Forums explained how the policy would affect Gears of War fans: The Lancer and Hammerburst Avatar items will no longer be available in the New Year. Anyone who has purchased them already will still own them, but, come January 1, the items will no longer be available for purchase. This makes the Xbox avatar gun club rather exclusive, don’t you think?

Do Second Amendment rights not extend to Xbox LIVE avatars? Has there ever been gun-related avatar-on-avatar violence? Does it seem hypocritical to anyone else that the go-to console for shooter fans is disallowing guns on its avatars?

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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