Since its successful Kickstarter campaign in June 2015, 3D platformer Yooka-Laylee ‘s development has progressed quickly. A “Toybox” demo was released earlier this year, giving backers a taste of its Banjo-Kazooie flavor, and the full version is speeding along to its retail release.
Publisher Team17 announced today that Yooka-Laylee will be released for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on April 11, 2017. It will be priced at $40 for all platforms; the PC release is digital-only, while the Xbox One and PS4 versions will see physical release through all major retailers. The Wii U version, meanwhile, has been cancelled due to “unforeseen technical issues.” Development has shifted to a Nintendo Switch version, and Wii U backers will be able to upgrade to a Switch copy at no extra cost.
The publisher also revealed another of the five worlds to be featured in Yooka-Laylee : Capital Cashino. You can get a glimpse at this glitzy new environment in the brand-new trailer below. Based on this footage, the game certainly looks likes a new Banjo-Kazooie in everything but name, though its simplistic visuals have me hoping it’ll be polished up some more before release.
Source: Press Release