



Anonymous Still Holds A Grudge

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Anonymous Still Holds A Grudge


Apparently, even though the whole GeoHot vs. Sony situation reached its tidy conclusion earlier this week, the hacker group Anonymous is still none too pleased with the PlayStation console maker. According to an online “press release” (it should be noted that any member of the group can create and publish press releases, so they don’t always reflect the most accurate information), Anonymous is planning a big attack on Sony this Saturday. But don’t worry; it won’t limit functionality to their websites or the PlayStation Network.

Considering how fast their last effort to bring down Sony fizzled out, it’s hard to take this latest statement seriously. The statement seems to indicate there will be an organized boycott taking place, but that hardly seems like an “attack,” so it will be interesting to see what does (or doesn’t) go down this weekend.

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