



Assassin’s Creed Movie Casts Lead Characters’ Fathers

Assassin’s Creed Movie Casts Lead Characters’ Fathers

Odds are, the Assassin’s Creed movie project already impressed some people when Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard were brought on as the leads. Get ready to be pleased with the production’s progress again. Two new actors have signed on to the production, and they’re familiar faces. Both Jeremy Irons and Brendan Gleeson will also appear in the movie.

So who are Irons and Gleeson playing? Surprise! They’re going to be Cotillard and Fassbender’s fathers. That’s respectively. Irons will be the father of Cotillard in the movie, and as Gleeson will be to Fassbender. Neither of their characters’ names have been revealed, as at this point we only know that Fassbender will be Callum Lynch, a descendent of the Assassin Aguilar.

The Assassin’s Creed movie has a tentative December 21, 2016 release date.

Source: Deadline

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