Dead Hall, creator of DayZ, is looking to fill positions at a brand new studio. The studio will be called RocketWerks, and is currently looking to take in programmers, artists, and other professionals that have experience in the gaming industry. The studio is located in Dunedin, New Zealand so, be prepared to travel quite a bit if you are in the U.S. and are looking to join his team.
Hall decided to leave Day Z developer Bohemia Interactive earlier this year. Specifically, he said the project did not embody what he envisioned anymore. He said, “It’s kind of like cooking in someone else’s kitchen.” Hall wants his new RocketWerks studio to allow him to evolve on concepts that he started in the original DayZ. Hall has gone on record saying DayZ is flawed, and he wants to chase the spark that led him to develop it in order to better realize his original vision.
Source: Gamespot