



DayZ Heading To PlayStations And Xboxes?

DayZ Heading To PlayStations And Xboxes?

DayZ is a survival mod that has, until now, been exclusive to the PC.

Dean “Rocket” Hall, creator of DayZ, talked with The Escapist and the topic of a console port was discussed. While a console version isn’t necessarily in development, that doesn’t mean it will never happen.

“Certainly. I think if we don’t, for want of a better word ‘f*ck up,’ the PC release then I would say a console port is almost certain,” Hall revealed. “I know a lot of people get really hot and bothered about it. Like, I’m not a console gamer, I’m a PC gamer, but I don’t think it necessarily has to hurt things.

He also revealed that he’s been talking to Sony, who appears to be “obviously interested.”

There is currently no firm release date for the full version of DayZ. If you’re too impatient to wait, you can always download the ARMA II mod.

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