



MGS4 Coming to a System Other Than Sony?

MGS4 Coming to a System Other Than Sony?


Konami has posted a highly cryptic graphic on their official website. The posting depicts an equation of sorts with a caption below that reads:

“A Next Metal Gear Is…”

This obviously points to something new from Kojima and crew. What isn’t clear is what they are actually hinting at. Due to the green font, many speculate that this means MGS4 is on its way to the Xbox 360. Still, the inverted exclamation point (i) seems to point to the Wii or even the iPhone. Heck, the power symbol may refer to the PC. Could it be a new IP altogether? No one knows for sure, though the PC and 360 options seem to be the most likely.

Of course, the evidence is circumstantial at best. We’ll let you know if Konami confirms anything. For now, click HERE to be connected to their website, or just look at the picture below.

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