



Minecraft Convention Taking a Break This Year

Minecraft Convention Taking a Break This Year

MINECON, the official Minecraft Convention, will unfortunately not be held in 2014. Mojang Chief Operating Officer Vu Bui explained why in a post on Mojan’s official website. “While we’d love to do MINECON every year and it’s the only event we do as a company, ” Vu said. “We want to make sure we can give it the attention it needs, and that means that springtime next year will work best!”

MINECON 2015 is a go, however, and will be held in 2015 in London. That’s a big step up from MINECON 2013 which took place in November 2013 in Orange County Convention Center in Orlando Florida. Tickets for the convention went for $150 each.

Source: Mojang

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