






PlayCay lets you take the vacation of your dreams in the comfort of your home. It’s a no-brainer when it comes to fun. All you need is a gaming console and a small amount of cash. PlayCay gives you a twenty-thousand dollar vacation for less than fifty bucks. How do they do it?

The answer is simple: PlayCay actually makes you simple. The game sets out intentionally to make you stupid. PlayCay is the only game guaranteed to dumb you down in the process. The more stupid you become, the more you’ll enjoy your PlayCay, and all the simpler things in life.

As long as you haven’t already played the game, you should be able to understand the following explanation on how PlayCay works.

“Psychologists have tested employees after vacations, and they have shown an IQ drop of nearly twenty-five percent,” says PlayCay developer Sam Snabby. “We thought if we could synthesize that kind of loss of intelligence, we could replicate the perfect vacation. To that end, our game will last long enough to fill a two-week period. But it can be adjusted to a single week, or even a long weekend. But if you want the full effect of complete idiocy, we suggest the two-week PlayCay.”

Designed to lower your intellect, PlayCay takes you on a RPG adventure like no other. It includes conversations with sports announcers and sports celebrities, singalongs with Pitbull and Rhianna, TV viewing with the Care Bears, some reality programming such as Jersey Shore, and also plenty of time with Facebook. PlayCay will also prompt you to take naps, eat fatty snacks, drink large quantities of alcohol, and to avoid exercise and learning.

“I’ve tried PlayCay, and if anything, it raised my IQ level about five points,” states former Cheat CC CEO Arty Hackery. “I don’t consider myself stupid, despite what others say. And even if they offer proof in the form of doctors’ certificates and old report cards, that’s only someone’s opinion. My parents always used to say, ‘Don’t get smart with me,’ and I listened to them. Being smart takes the fun out of everything.I want to believe that McDonald’s food is good for you. And I want to believe the people working there all live with Ronald in McDonaldsville, or whatever it’s called. And I want to believe the Employee of the Month has super powers, like Regis.

“After a week of playing PlayCay, I started to get wise to the ways of the world. I realize now that it was a mistake to sell Cheat Code Central for a scroll saw and a lifetime supply of Turtle Wax. I now know that John Belushi is dead, even though I still see him on TV. And I won’t use my iPad as a camera anymore. I also learned that when people say dirty words on TV, they get bleeped. I used to think they were robots with Tourette Syndrome. And cigars are for smoking, not snacking. And one more thing. I know you guys are making fun of me on this site. And if this doesn’t stop, I’ll sue the Internet.”

The developer of PlayCay say that if ignorance is bliss, you’ll be ecstatic playing PlayCay.

By Cole Smith

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