



PSN Fully Restored

PSN Fully Restored


It’s back. After all the drama, all the speculation, all the rumors, and all the waiting, the PSN is finally back up in full capacity.

After attacks by hackers that took place nearly two months ago, the PSN went down in order to protect its users’ personal information. Several weeks ago, the network came back up for online play, but the store and other services that require the use of credit card information were still down while new security systems were tested. As of today, however, the store has come back in full force with updates for all the content that gamers missed while it was down.

Some users are still getting error messages when trying to connect, but this is simply because so many people are trying to use the PSN at once that the servers are overflowing. Rest assured, there hasn’t been another hacker attack, so feel free to download all of the PSN content you’d like.

What are you going to do now that the PSN has finally come back online? For me, I think it’s finally time to get the Platinum the Trinity DLC for Blazblue: Continuum Shift II. Time to get my magical girl on!

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