We have an exciting Halo reminder to share with you today. If you don’t already own Halo 5 , you’ll be pleased to know that you can download the full game from Xbox Live, right now and play it for free. The only requirement is that you’re an Xbox Live Gold member. The campaign and multiplayer are both fully playable until July 5, after which the free ride concludes and the game goes back to its normal price of $59.99. This is all in celebration of Halo 5 ‘s biggest expansion to-date, which comes out today.
Which is great timing! The Warzone Firefight expansion is set to release sometime this morning, and will likely be available by the time you read this article. The expansion brings with it a new game mode of the same name, which you may have had the privilege to try for yourself back in April as part of an open beta. The update will also include three new maps: Attack on Sanctum and Prospect are both Warzone maps, and Molten is the new Arena map. Of course you can expect loads of new gear as well. New Reqs offer new armor sets, vehicles, weapon variants, and more.
Now you know not to make any plans this weekend!
Source: GameStop