



Speedrunning, Now With Marriage

Speedrunning, Now With Marriage

We have been running quite a few stories about AGDQ and speedrunning over the past few days. The event is a great way to raise money for charity. But something else that is indescribably awesome happened at this year’s Awesome Games Done Quick.

At the end of a Mischief Makers run, which is a pretty awesome game that you should totally check out, runner Jakafur decided to propose to his girlfriend. “I love you very much. And I’m going to love you forever,” the man, “Jackafur,” says, before getting down on one knee. “So I wanted to ask you if you would marry me.”

Of course she says yes. The whole marathon goes wild and no one can possibly do anything cooler than that.

Awesome Games Done Quick has currently raised almost $600,000 for charity. Check out the marathon at www.gamesdonequick.com

Source: GamesDoneQuick

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