



Surviv.io Cheats & Cheat Codes for Online Browsers

Surviv.io+, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Surviv.io Cheats & Cheat Codes for Online Browsers

Surviv.io is a battle royale, multiplayer online game that was browser-based and initially released in the fall of 2017. Initially meant to be played as a desktop game, it was then later released for iOS and Android devices. Surviv.io is a 2D, top-down perspective game where players engage in common battle royale gameplay tactics like searching for supplies and weapons, and battling other players on the map. While most popular as a single player game, you can also play on teams of either two or four. The game was sold to an online gaming website by the name of Kongregate in December 2019, then, under a year later, was released on Steam. 


The term for a player in the game is a “Survivr,” which is a circular shaped character viewed from the top on the 2D map. There is a circular red zone that encircles your player and as the game goes on it shrinks and your player loses health as a result. The game begins with just your character’s fists for physical combat. Additional weapons and gear can be found in crates throughout the map and in structures. 

The map is randomly generated each game, meaning buildings and structures are never in the same exact place in consecutive games. When a Survivr is killed, the charcater drops all items upon death. The weapons in the game range from smaller guns like shotguns, to long range snipers. Scopes give a wider view of their surroundings when added to a weapon, while vests and helmets add protection to your character. Players can also heal themselves by finding and consuming various healing items. 

Main Characters

A character, or “Survivr,” is randomly generated at the start of every game. 

Cheat codes

To enter cheat codes, go to the Surviv.io gift code page, enter your game ID in the prompt,  enter your desired cheat code into the Rewards space, and then redeem your rewards.

Combeack – Rewards

HeatNow – 100 Gems and 30 Energy

anniversary – 300 Gems and 20 Energy

deepsea2023 – 100 Gems and 30 Energy

GraininEar – 100 Gems and 30 Energy

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