



Turkey Arrests 32 In Possible Connection To Anonymous Attacks

Turkey Arrests 32 In Possible Connection To Anonymous Attacks


Turkish police arrested 32 suspected participants in Anonymous-run distributed denial of service attacks.

The suspects, five of them under the age of 18, are thought to have been involved in attacks on Turkish government websites that managed to take down the websites of Turkey’s Telecommunications Presidency and its Ministry of Labor, among others.

These attacks were reportedly in response to planned censorship by Turkey’s Information and Communications Technologies Authority, whose planned August 22 implementation of a Web censoring system would not be the country’s first brush with such methods. In the past, Turkey has called on ISPs to block access to YouTube due to suspected breaches of Turkish law.

Anonymous claims that these new filters would go further, allowing the government to record and monitor citizens’ activities and, potentially, hamstring their ability to protest government actions or express dissenting opinions.

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