



Diablo III Beta Opens To All

Diablo III Beta Opens To All


An important part of testing any online game is the stress test. Developers need to be sure that their servers can withstand the strain of thousands of gamers playing on them all at the same time. Unfortunately, developers generally don’t have enough gamers to perform a proper stress test involved in a game’s closed beta. That’s what open betas are for. Blizzard knows this, and are therefore temporarily bringing Diablo III to the gaming public.

Yes, the Diablo III beta is going open this weekend, starting today at 3:00 PM Eastern Time and closing down again on Monday at 1:00 PM Eastern Time. The only thing you need is a Battle.net account to play. Just download the client from the Diablo III homepage and start killing some monsters.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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