



Dragon Quest X: Quite Possibly The Worst Idea Ever

Dragon Quest X: Quite Possibly The Worst Idea Ever


Dragon Quest fans have been eagerly awaiting news of the long rumored Dragon Quest X. Well, now we have news, and fans everywhere and crying in the corner of their classic Dragon Quest shrines. Sure, Dragon Quest has changed a lot over the years, from simple linear JRPG with first-person battles to the strange open-ended party tactics of Dragon Quest IX and motion-controlled antics of Dragon Quest Swords, but no change is as significant as what will be happening to Dragon Quest X.

Dragon Quest X will be primarily an online game. You can play the first few hours offline, but beyond that you have to be connected to the Internet. Not only that; Dragon Quest X will require you to pay a monthly feed to play online. So it’s basically trying to set itself up as an MMO without actually being an MMO.

Now here’s the big stinger: Dragon Quest X is a game for the Wii. Yep! The worst online console of this generation is charging a monthly fee to play an online RPG. I don’t know who at Square Enix has been drinking the magical Kool-Aid, but this is a horrible idea.

On the upside, a version of the game is also being planned for the Wii U, and if we can believe reports coming out of Nintendo, the Wii U will have much better online support. Still, a new Dragon Quest game with a monthly fee that is online only on a dying console. Can’t say I agree with this one.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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