



Hulu Plus Gets Cheaper on PS3

Hulu Plus Gets Cheaper on PS3


Last week we reported that Hulu Plus would also require a subscription to PlayStation Plus in order to make use of the service on the PS3, based on the text found on Hulu’s own website. Neither Sony nor Hulu seemed to want to make an official statement confirming or denying this fact at the time, but Hulu has finally stepped up and addressed this “rumor”. According to the response received by Joystiq, a PlayStation Plus subscription is only required during the service’s preview period.

The official line reads “the Playstation Plus service is only a requirement during the preview period. Once the preview period ends you should be able to download the Hulu Plus app but that will still require the Hulu Plus subscription.” This is fantastic news for all those looking forward to the Hulu Plus service but not the added cost of two subscriptions in order to use it. However, this does subtract a potentially large selling point for the PlayStation Plus subscription.

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