



Tekken vs. Street Fighter Not In Development Yet

Tekken vs. Street Fighter Not In Development Yet


Street Fighter X Tekken has come a long way since its announcement last year. Capcom has been hard at work on the title, and has even been able to show off a playable demo at a recent event. So you might expect that the game’s reverse-universe twin brother, Tekken X Street Fighter, would be in a similar situation. Not so. According to game producer Yoshinori Oni, “We really haven’t started on Tekken X Street Fighter”.

This is some very surprising news, as you would expect Namco Bandai to get right to work on the much anticipated rival to the Capcom-developed Street Fighter X Tekken (which is still on track for release later this year.) However, it looks like the folks at Namco are almost distancing themselves from Capcom’s product, despite the two sharing a common theme. It makes you wonder what exactly they’re planning.

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