Summer is drawing to a close. Schools are soon to be back in session. And the saddest thing of all, the girls of summer will suddenly begin to cover all of our favorite things with sweaters and scarves and long pants. They’ll put the bikinis in the drawer until next summer. It’s so sad that we couldn’t stand the thought at all. So we decided to count down the hottest female characters from the games released this year. What better way to keep the hotness alive, right? Alright, here we go.
Hatsune Miku (Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F)
I don’t care what any of you think about the game series. It doesn’t matter. Take a look at the games spokeswoman and ‘protagonist’ (if you can call her that). She’s an Asian beauty with blue hair and the dance moves that will melt your popsicle right out of your hand. And if you have ever been to Japan and know what kind of fascination they have with this blue-haired bombshell, you would begin to understand that there is an underlying theme with her. She is like the Britney Spears of Japan. But not trailer park, shaved head, bat sh** crazy Britney. She’s the new version of ‘ Hit Me Baby One More Time ’ Britney. The girl everyone secretly fantasizes about but no one will admit it.
Lisa Lisa (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
If your fancy leans towards a beautiful woman that could whip your ass just as fast as she could fulfill your wildest dreams, Lisa Lisa is the woman for you. No, not the eighties pop icon. The Lisa Lisa from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures . For those of you who don’t know, the video game that released this year came out because it’s the 25th anniversary of the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure release. Yep, it’s been around that long. But that’s neither here nor there, we are talking about Lisa Lisa. What a beautiful thing to talk about. Body, brains and the complete ability to annihilate you without even breaking a sweat. She is one of the more brutal master teachers in the series and eventually becomes the mentor of some of the main characters in the story. In the anniversary release, she is nothing more than a giant pain in the ass if you have to fight her, but at least she’s easy on the eyes as she stands over your broken body and taunts you.
Sarah Gwynn (Daylight)
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well, in this case they may be right. And by absence, I mean of course that no one actually knows what Sarah looks like. The developers of Daylight meant for it to be that way for a host of reasons, according to them. First, they wanted the player to be able to really step inside the character’s mind and blah, blah, blah. But what they really wanted to do was create an allure for a female protagonist that is shown to have a body to die for…and one that becomes more and more tattooed up after collecting more remnants within the game. We know she wears a hoodie. We know she has a lot of rings on. Oh, and she is the descendant of the one witch that got away from the witch hunt and eventual massacre that happened within the confines of the game. All in all, it is the fact that we don’t know what she looks like that lands her on this list.
Anya Oliwa (Wolfenstein: The New Order)
This girl was working on her doctorate degree at 16 years old. So we know she’s a super-genius. The war forced her to abandon her studies. She was forced into assisting her family with their chosen lot in life…running a mental asylum. Oddly, the same mental asylum where none other than BJ Blaskowicz has been held for several years following the events of WWII. Can you blame the guy?! He saw some seriously ill stuff. Anyway, back to Anya. She’s the whole package. Brains, beauty and the ability to handle damned near any situation, no matter how insane it might be. Now normally being treated by a hot nurse would cause some Nightingale syndrome for the patient. But in this case, she is saved by BJ. So naturally, she’s kind of got a crush. Man, some guys have all the luck.
Zero (Drakengard 3)
“A gifted Intoner with superhuman battle skills and expert swordsmanship. She is open and uninhibited with men, yet violent and lazy by nature. She constantly quarrels with her overly serious sister, One. The flower blooming in her right eye prolongs her life and has given her a unique body.” That’s the description given for her. I don’t really know what else to say other than she is just plain sexy, knows her way around swords of all kinds, and is adept at combat. So much so that as a child, she was framed for stealing gold from a brothel and had to kill everyone inside to escape. So honestly, that instance alone makes her pretty much badass…and maybe even just a little sexier.
Taki (Soul Caliber: Lost Swords)
Three words: Hot. Lady. Ninja. Seriously how could you possibly go wrong? Unless of course you were one of the unfortunate few to end up on her target list. But whatever side of her you find yourself on (and believe me, as long as she’s not trying to kill you, the sides are all equally good) she is a formidable character with lightning quick attacks who could carve a Christmas turkey out of you faster than you’d have time to think, “Hey, that lady ninja is really smoking hot!” But one of my favorite things about Taki is that she holds the title of “Hunter of Darkness.” You don’t get that kind of cred by being a lackey. She really is the sexy sum of her parts…all of them.
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition)
Lara is and will always be one of my favorite video game heroines. She has proven herself time and time again, throughout countless adventures that have kept me playing these games for years (actually more years than I care to discuss). But no matter what form she makes an appearance in, no matter what the mission or the outfit she’s wearing, she is a beauty of rare form. And in the newest re-imagining, I find her even more endearing because we are finally seeing the events that brought her into the badass Lady Lara that we know and love. She has a much more tangible side now and I love the fact that she is always finding new strength even in the face of adversity.
Avelyne de Grandpre (Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD)
Aveline is not one to be trifled with. First of all she is the very first female assassin ever featured as a playable character in the entire AC franchise. That in itself speaks volumes about her. But more to the point, her beauty extends far beyond her skills in combat and her innate love of the hunt. She is a French-African beauty who encompasses the wiles of both backgrounds. She is both beauty and beast and has quickly become one of my favorite characters in the series. Mostly because I find her voice insanely attractive. But honestly, there aren’t a great many bad things that I could say about this character or the game she appears in.
Oerba Dia Vanille (FF: Lightning Returns)
You want to know why she’s one of the top names on this list? Well I’ll tell you. First off, she’s the one character that no matter what happens throughout the game she never loses her caring demeanor for her friends. She’s a rock on which her team can depend. She is a tenacious fighter and just an all-around fun character to play. Not to mention she is the voice telling the story to you during your adventure in FFXIII . But then there’s the top reason she’s on this list: she’s a red-head. And while some of you believe that ginger’s have no soul, I beg to differ and those of you that know what I’m talking about…well, you know what I’m talking about.
Lulu (FFX HD Remaster)
Lulu is quite possibly one of the hottest female characters in the history of the Final Fantasy franchise. She has it all. Beauty, brains, insane skills in magic and one of the coolest costumes to grace the female form since the history of ever. Then you stack that super-sexy, nearly always calm voice that she has and you are starting to see why she’s one of the characters that you never want to be anywhere without. But then one day, I was at DragonCon and I saw her. A beautiful girl, dressed as Lulu, who completely looked that part and was in solid possession of all the right…assets. From that day on, Lulu has seriously been the hottest woman in gaming for me, but definitely for 2014. And maybe even into infinity.