



UPDATE: Dead Island’s DLC Release Window

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UPDATE: Dead Island’s DLC Release Window


A little over a week ago, we reported that Dead Island’s Bloodbath Arena DLC would fall victim to an unforeseen delay. The message was posted on the game’s Facebook wall, an apology along with a promise that an update on the DLC’s status and release would be coming in the following week.

A week had passed as of last Friday, and, in the early afternoon, a new post came up on the Dead Island Facebook page:

“We have news for all who are waiting for the Bloodbath Arena DLC: it will be moved to mid November. The additional time will be used to make sure that every Dead Island fan will receive the best experience possible on every platform.”

No, it’s not an exact release date, but mid-November at least gives anticipatory gamers an idea of when they can expect to enjoy Dead Island’s new content, and means that they won’t spend the intervening weeks crossing their fingers in vain.

By Shelby Reiches

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