



Valve Removes Dragon Age 2 From Steam

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Valve Removes Dragon Age 2 From Steam


I’m just going to say it: EA and Valve have a dysfunctional relationship. They’re trading blows today after Value removed Dragon Age 2 from Steam just before the launch of Dragon Age’s latest downloadable content pack. It appears that DA2’s latest DLC violates Steams Terms of Service Agreement.

“Unfortunately, Steam has adopted a set of restrictive terms of service which limit how developers interact with customers to sell downloadable content,” said David DeMartini, a senior VP at EA. “No other download service has adopted this practice. Consequently some of our games have been removed by Steam.”

Last month, Valve removed Crysis 2 from the service, and Alice: Madness Returns was mysteriously unavailable on Steam at launch.

DeMartini added, “We hope to work out an agreement to keep our games on Steam.” But this almost seems like wishful thinking, considering that Crysis 2 still hasn’t made a reappearance after more than a month and the rumor mill is churning with reports that Battlefield 3 will also not be available on Steam.

Meanwhile, DeMartini is directing people to other “major download services,” like GameStop and Direct2Drive until EA and Valve can kiss and make up. Dragon Age 2’s latest DLC, “Legacy,” is currently available for download. Unless you’re still looking for it on Steam, of course.

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