



PSN Users Return In Droves

PSN Users Return In Droves


During the PlayStation outage and subsequent hackpocalypse, there were plenty of rumors about users who would not be going back to the PSN. There were concerns that they did not trust the service any more, or that they didn’t think it was worth the risk to participate in an online service that had been hacked. However, it looks like much of the harsh feelings towards the PlayStation Network have faded. SCEA chief executive Jack Tretton has confirmed via the New York Times that at least 90% of PSN users have returned to the service after the outage.

In regards to the remaining 10%, Tretton hopes that the final days of the Welcome Back package coupled with the Uncharted 3 beta will get any gamers that are still holding out on the PSN back in the game. If you haven’t already gone back on the PlayStation Network, you’d better do so soon, as the Welcome Back offer is set to expire July 5.

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