



RUMOR: Pandora’s Tower Coming To NA

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RUMOR: Pandora’s Tower Coming To NA


A while back, Nintendo refused to bring three, anticipated, Japanese Wii RPGs to America. These games were Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, and Pandora’s Tower, all of which were seeing releases in Europe but not North America. As a result, fans started Operation Rainfall, a plan to bombard Nintendo with requests for these RPGs until they caved.

Well, Nintendo didn’t cave and Operation Rainfall was thought to be a bust. Fast forward a couple months and Xenoblade is out, The Last Story is dropping later this year, and now Pandora’s Tower is rumored to be coming to our shores as well. So, who really won here?

According to an audio clip on NinTemple, a GameStop manager confirmed that Pandora’s Tower will be coming over to the States. Supposedly, GameStop will be taking pre-orders for the game when the Last Story goes on sale on June 20. Nintendo hasn’t commented on this supposed confirmation, and GameStop itself hasn’t commented on the game’s supposed release.

For now take this as a rumor, but it’s still nice to dream. If Pandora’s Tower manages to make it over to America, Operation Rainfall will have succeeded in its goal. Just more proof that the common gamer really can make a difference.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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