



TGS 2011: Skyward Sword Has A Massive Amount Of Content

TGS 2011: Skyward Sword Has A Massive Amount Of Content


Shigeru Miyamoto dropped some info about The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword at Nintendo’s 3DS conference yesterday. Most impressive is his claim that Skyward Sword will be one of Nintendo’s biggest projects ever, featuring 50-100 hours of gameplay.

Now, 50-100 is a pretty wide gap, but he did also mention the game would include a second playthrough option. Does this mean that Skyward Sword is 50 hours per playthrough? Or is it 100 hours for a single run if we go for 100%, 50 if we hit just the high points? Or is Miyamoto just exaggerating? It’s tough to say for certain until we get our hands on the game in November.

What that 100 hours probably won’t contain is mindless wandering while trying to solve tricky puzzles. Skyward Sword will feature hint movies, which should be similar to what we saw in the 3DS Ocarina of Time port. It’s a nice touch for those times we get plain stuck, but hopefully it won’t render the game any less challenging.

All this juicy Skyward Sword news just makes me glad I already ordered my copy. Expect the game to hit shelves on November 20, 2011.

By Josh Wirtanen

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