



Top 10 Cosplays from San Diego Comic Con 2013

Top 10 Cosplays from San Diego Comic Con 2013

One of my favorite things about any fan convention, whether it’s DragonCon or BlixxCon or Sand Diego Comic Con, is the cosplayers. These people spend hundreds of hours and countless paychecks creating some truly amazing costumes. Then they show up at these conventions and become that character for a few days. In essence, they become a celebrity themselves. People come up to them and want their pictures taken with them and all sorts of other frivolity. I even saw a guy dressed in a Darkwing Duck costume at a fan convention. I love cosplay. Fans love cosplay. So I decided to take some of my favorites from SDCC this year and write about them.

Poison Ivy & An Asari

Poison Ivy & An Asari

I love Asari, and Poison Ivy has always been one of my favorite villains in the Batman series. So naturally, when these two come together in one photo, it’s magic. Now, I wonder what kind of little Asari babies these two would make?

Cyborg & Hawkgirl

Cyborg & Hawkgirl

Cyborg and Hawkgirl aren’t really two of my favorites, but I was truly blown away by these cosplayers. This is what I mean when I say fans become their heroes for a few days.



This is where cosplay artists get creative and make stuff to confuse the hell out of me. So what if I had one too many at the cocktail lounge? That doesn’t give you the right to confuse my already fragile mind.

Power Girl

Power Girl

Power Girl as imagined by pre-pubescent boys from all over the world. Here you go, fellas…she’s real!



Galactus is one of my favorite bad guys. But seriously, this is the first time I have ever seen anyone nail a cosplay of the Devourer of Worlds. This was incredible…but I always thought Galactus would be just a little bit taller.



Seriously, the SPARTANs have to roll this deep just to get seats?! No wonder tickets were scarce, the ticket jockeys were afraid of these guys. And rightly so, they are packing all the right hardware.

Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter)

Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter)

Seriously, why did Peter Parker choose…you know what? Nevermind. Spider-Man, you’re an idiot.

The Penguin

The Penguin

I swear that for a second I thought Danny DeVito was trying to reprise his role. I got scared, and then I realized it wasn’t actually him, so I stopped doing Throw Mama from the Train lines. You have to admit that this is pretty awesome.



I love me some Witchblade . Actually, I pretty much love anything that the guys over at Top Cow Comics do. So when I saw this cosplayer, I had to include her in the countdown.



Yaya Han has been my favorite cosplayer for a long time. Her work is absolutely incredible, and between her talents in creating the costumes (yes, she makes them herself) and Brian Boling’s work on the armor pieces, they make a formidable team in the cosplay arena.

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